Kvifor CAS2? Kvifor PASS?
På grunn av PASS-teorien kan CAS2 hjelper oss til å oppdage typiske mønster i kognitive prosessar hjå born og unge som har lesevanskar.
But since phonological processing is importantly involved in word decoding, successive processing plays an important role in reading, particularly in the early stage. Simultaneous processing which helps in deeper level of semantic analysis of the information, seeing the interrelationship among separate bits of information and integrating them into larger units of information, on the other hand, plays an important role in comprehension at any stage of reading. Mastery over the two skills of reading, ultimately, makes way for emergence of appropriate reading strategies in which planning plays a critical role. Studies further reveal that a weakness in simultaneous processing in children is linked with comprehension difficulties, whereas, word decoding difficulties are associated with a successive processing weakness in beginning readers. Planning and attention, on the other hand are necessary at all levels of reading and their importance increases as a function of complexity of the reading tasks (Das, Naglieri, & Kirby, 1994 ; Das, Parrila and Papadopoulos, 2000 ; Kirby et al.,1996; Mahapatra, 1989, 1990, 2015a, 2015b ; Mahapatra & Dash 1999). The PASS processes, however, operate on a knowledge base that includes one’s past experiences involving his/her learning, emotions and motivations and the performance (behaviour) emerges out of it (Das et al , 1994).
Mahapatra, S. (2015): Attention in Relation to Coding and Planning in Reading. Journal of Education and Practice Vol.6, No.19, 2015. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Analytisk koding.
Til høgre viser vi bilete av tre av ti ANNA-spel. ANNA-spela støttar ein analytisk kodingsprosess, og har med analysebegrep som ligg til grunn for å analysere bokstavane. Dette er også ein del av ei kognitiv tilnærming for å automatisere bokstav-språklyd-kombinasjonar, noko som er viktig for alle som skal læra å lese, men særleg for dei som har utfordringar knytt til suksessiv prosess.
Analytisk koding gir dybdelæring, og bidrar til å styre merksemda og til fleksibel tenking.