Her finner du linker til forskningsartikler som gjelder PASS-teorien og CAS-testen.
Das, J.P & Naglieri, J.A.(2005). Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, Successive (PASS) Theory. A revision of the concept of Intelligence. Publisert i Flanagan & Harrison (eds) Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, Theories, Tests and Issues. 2nd edition, Guilford Press.
Naglieri, J. A. (2015). 100 Years of Intelligence Testing: Moving from Traditional IQ to Second-Generation Intelligence Tests. In Handbook of Intelligence: Evolutionary Theory, Historical Perspective, and Current Concepts. New York: Springer Science Business Media.
Naglieri, Jack A., and T. Otero (2011). “Cognitive Assessment System: Redefining intelligence from a neuropsychological perspective.” In Handbook of Pediatric Neuropsychology (2011): 320-333.
Gunvor Sønnesyn (2012). Kartlegging som reiskap i ein inkluderande skule. I Spesialpedagogikk 0312. Utdanningsforbundet.