Hvorfor CAS2?
Fordi PASS gir forståelse av grunnleggende kognitive prosesser. Derfor har CAS2 spesifikke skalaer som gir god informasjon om disse prosessene hos en person, og vi får nye muligheter for tiltak for å støtte bedre læring og livsmestring.
Taddei, Contena et al (2017) har i en forskningsartikkel i Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata/ Applied Psychology Bulletin fokus på at vi trenger mer spesifikk informasjon for å bedre kunne hjelpe disse barna. I en eksplorativ studie undersøker de om kartlegging av kognitive prosesser (PASS) gir slik spesifikk informasjon.
Briefly, BIF is, as underlined above, a complex condition that is usually defined because of global IQ (Fernell & Ek, 2010). An important characteristic related to BIF is the slowness in learning processes that often causes a low academic achievement (Shaw, 2008). The association of BIF with other clinical conditions and its severe social and health-related outcomes (Emerson et al., 2010) highlight the importance of understanding its characteristics and investigating the cognitive functioning associated with it (Schuchardt et al., 2010). PASS theory seems to provide a useful framework for investigating cognitive processes in order to point out the global cognitive functioning related to different neurodevelopmental disorders (Chan et al., 2008). However, no study has directly investigated the PASS cognitive functioning in individuals with BIF. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the intellectual and cognitive performance of subjects with BIF in order to understand if there is a specific PASS cognitive functioning and what kind of relationship exists between BIF, intellectual functioning, and children’s behaviors.
Hypotesene som blir testet er følgende:
– if PASS theory is a useful framework to assess the cognitive functioning (Chan et al., 2008) we should obtain a specific CAS profile for subjects with BIF. Considering the relation with PASS processes and executive function CAS profile should show a weakness in Planning and, secondarily, in Attention;
– PASS functioning should be only weakly related with IQ profile of these subjects;
– PASS functioning should be related with the behavioral problems associated with BIF.

Analysen som var basert på tradisjonell IQ-tenkning viste ingen tilsvarende spesifikke profiler.
Taddei et al understreker at en trenger mer forskning for å kunne si noe mer sikkert om sammenhengene som er funnet i denne studien.
Bastianina Contena, Margherita Lang, Valeria Scandurra, Maria Rosaria Scordo, Rosetta Storino, Stefano Taddei (2017). Cognitive and intellectual performance of children with borderline intellectual functioning: An explorative study. Bollettino du Psicologia Applicata/ Applied Psychology Bulletin Vol. LXV. January-April 2017 No 278.